DDS1158 Voltage Current DMX/DALI Controller

DDS1158 is a LED driver that comes in two version:

DDS1158-V worksinconstantvoltagemode, DDS1158-I works in constant current mode.

DDS1158 has the following control modes: 1) DMX-RDM
2) DALI-2 (DALI-2 compliant)
3) Analog inputs

4) Push-buttons (connected to inputs)
5) Potentiometers (connected to inputs)
Working modes are selected by three rotary switch and an alphanumeric display shows parameters: “I” version has a further rotary switch to select output current.
There are a total of four output that works in “sink” mode suitable for common anode LED light lo

DDS1158 Voltage Current DMX/DALI Controller